
A Visual Journey Through the 2022 English Springer Spaniel National Amateur Championship

Hello, dog lovers, enthusiasts, and friends!

If you're here, it means that just like me, you're fascinated by the charm and character of our field-bred English Springer Spaniels. Today, I want to take you on a special journey - a journey that celebrates the unique relationship between dogs and their handlers, set against the backdrop of one of the most prestigious canine competitions - the 2022 AKC ESSFTA English Springer Spaniel National Amateur Championship.

Being the official photographer of this grand event, I was at the heart of all the action, capturing the elegance, skill, and spirit of these beautiful Springer Spaniels and their dedicated handlers. The result? A collection of official portraits sponsored by Purina ProPlan that reflect not just the physical attributes, but also the soul of each dog-handler pair.  Over the last 20+ years, I've photographed many national amateur championship and national open championship field trials.

In these portraits, every dog's determination is clear in their bright, focused eyes, and the handlers' devotion and commitment shine through their every interaction. The relationship between the dogs and their humans was what makes national championships so special, and that’s exactly what I aimed to capture - the bond that goes beyond the competition, one of mutual respect and shared joy.

2022 English Springer Spaniel National Amateur Championship

The 2022 ESSFTA National Amateur Championship Field Trial held near Clarkston, Utah was not just about determining the best of the best. It was about recognizing the unique partnership that develops when a dog and a person dedicate themselves to working in unison. It was about showcasing the athleticism, intelligence, and versatility of the magnificent English Springer Spaniel. But most importantly, it was about celebrating the love that forms the basis of these partnerships.

From the gleaming coats of the competitors to the joyous celebrations of their achievements, the 2022 English Springer Spaniel National Amateur Championship is immortalized in these official portraits. I invite you to explore this stunning gallery, to share in the magic of these unforgettable moments.

For a deeper dive into the heart of the championship, I've prepared an exclusive gallery of these official portraits. Each image is a story in itself, an intimate look at the connection between the competitors and their canine partners.

Explore the 2022 English Springer Spaniel National Amateur Championship Portraits Here

I hope you find as much joy in viewing these portraits as I did in capturing them. Here's to celebrating not just the champions of a competition, but the champions of our hearts - our faithful, devoted dogs. Enjoy the journey!

2022 English Springer Spaniel National Amateur Field Champion, "Aggie," NAFC FC G&D's My Aggravation

Owner/Handler Todd Fearon

Frequently Asked Questions

To participate in the English Springer Spaniel National Championship, a dog must be registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and meet the breed standard for English Springer Spaniels. They should also have a good health record, be well-trained, and have qualified by earning at least one point from placing in an AKC-sanctioned amateur field trial during the previous year.

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