
Veterinary Medicine

Dream, a 13.5-year-old black & white English Springer Spaniel in front of a sunburst on the Bonneville Salt Flats, near Wendover, Utah. She has been helped by getting Librela® for dogs.

Librela® for Dogs – Say Goodbye to Joint Pain

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Dog owners know, it’s painful to watch our furry friends suffer. Their loyalty and companionship have brightened our lives, and they deserve relief from the aches and pains of osteoarthritis—a common affliction as they age.  The key?  Early identification and effective management […]

Librela® for Dogs – Say Goodbye to Joint Pain Read More »

iPhone portrait of Rosie, an 18-year-old long-haired calico cat after treatment with Solensia for cats.

Solensia for Cats – Is it Really Effective?

This post is very close to my heart because of the difference SolensiaⓇ has made in the quality of life of our long-haired calico geriatric cat, Rosie.  In 2005, she came to us from Dane County Friends of Ferals in Madison, Wisconsin mostly because of her boisterous personality. She has always loudly greeted guests into

Solensia for Cats – Is it Really Effective? Read More »

Dekker, a Black Standard Poodle that possibly has Addison's Disease in dogs

Dr. Google Can’t Diagnose Addison’s Disease in Dogs and Cats

In my very first newsletter of January 2023, I collaborated with my husband, Dr. Gregory M. Kuhlman, DVM, DACVIM on an article about treating our cat, Rosie, for osteoarthritis pain using SolensiaⓇ.  That article has been a big hit with cat owners who have been wondering if SolensiaⓇ really works. I asked my audience to

Dr. Google Can’t Diagnose Addison’s Disease in Dogs and Cats Read More »

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