Second Place at PPGH!

More news!  My image "Standing Tall" was awarded second place in the Active Category at the monthly Professional Photographers Guild of Houston Print Competition.  Pretty amazing since I shot this white Chihuahua named "Sir Butters" on a background of black seamless paper.  When I'm on location at a shelter, I don't have time to switch out backdrops based on dog color, so I cut him (and his reflection) out in Photoshop and used it as my high key image for CPP.  Thanks to the master, Richard Sturdevant, for teaching me about the "quick selection" tool in Photoshop.  For you photogs out there, you should seriously check out his workshops.  Based on the critique at PPGH, I burned down the shadows and reflections, which were really dark from the black sweep.  I knew how to do this from taking Michelle Parsley's "Preparing for Competition" course last summer.


PPGH February 2016 Second Place Chihuahua dog rescue shelter Standing Tall

"Standing Tall" - Before & After

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